New and Emerging Technologies Reflection

During the last eight weeks I have learned a great deal about new and emerging technologies in education.  These technologies are going to influence education in the next few years and teachers need to know about and embrace them.  Through the completion of the last application in my Master’s program, I developed a plan for using an emerging technology in my classroom.  I also completed a plan on how to convince my fellow teachers that we need to implement this technology into our school.   This has taught me how important these technologies are to the classroom and how important it is to prove their worth to other educators.

In the future, I will make more of an effort to stay up-to-date on the latest technologies that are influencing education.  By reading resources such as The Horizon Report: K-12 Edition, I will be able to know what technologies are out there and how long it will be until they are present in the classroom.  Once I have learned of these technologies, I will make a stronger effort to inform my faculty of what these technologies are and how they can benefit the classroom.  My school has a daily and monthly announcement that goes out via our email.  I am hoping to add a segment about new and emerging technologies to the monthly announcements.   This will be a starting point to introducing and then implementing these technologies into my school.

Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Smythe, T. (2009). The 2009 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.

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